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Acute knee clinic

What is the ‘Acute Knee Clinic’?

I run a clinic specifically for patients with an acute knee injury. The aim of the clinic is to see you as promptly as possible following an injury to initiate appropriate management in order to facilitate an early return to activity.

Why is the clinic exclusively for acute knee injuries?

It is important due to the nature of the knee joint that all acute cases of knee injury are promptly assessed, diagnosed and treated in order to obtain the best long term outcomes for patients, both athletes and non-athletes.

Who are the appropriate candidates to attend the acute knee clinic?

Appropriate candidates include any patients who have recently injured their knee, for example, due to a weekend sports injury, a fall or similar.

What are the advantages of acute knee injury clinic?

Our acute knee trauma clinic offers you an early and expert assessment to determine if a significant knee injury has occurred. Radiological tests such as X-rays, MRI scans, ultrasound, and Doppler study are all easily organized to provide a timely diagnosis.

How do I get an appointment with the acute knee trauma clinic?

To make an appointment contact us at (02) 4229 9116 and request an appoint with Dr Bhimani.

Do I need a referral?

No. You can attend without a referral from a GP. However, without a referral from another doctor you will receive no rebate from Medicare for your consultation.

Who treats me at the acute knee trauma clinic?

Dr Aziz Bhimani, an expert knee surgeon, sees patients at the knee clinic.

Where is the acute knee trauma clinic located?

54 Princes Hwy
West Wollongong NSW 2500

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